After a long run of setback and depress, I realised I got to stand strong and start doing the things I like and move on from where I had stopped.
Below is one of those things I like to do.
Things I like to do
Before.. (Can you guess what is it?)
And after..
Welcoming a new member..
Full strength..
After weeks of.. struggle to make for my colleagues..
And I am proud to complete it..
Above are the gift cards that I bought from Taiwan. I took nearly a month to complete and at a point of time I wanted to give up.
I gave up not because it was difficult to make but I had met some setbacks and eventully lost the interests in doing.
Now that I am back, I am proud and happy that I had finished it.
Little note for my colleagues
Sorry guys, I do not know how to show my gratitude to you all but I do hope you all can feel it through my gift and heart. Just simply me.
Lastly, I hope you all will love it.
Hi pal,
I like your gift vy much. din know i got this heartwarming gift from u too. Really vy appreciate your time and effort. thanks once again.
Yoz Ruolin,
No problem!
Hi Kor,
May I know where kor get the clear container? Hee, please do not tell me it comes with the gift >.<"
Was looking for a niece box to keep some gift :P
Glad to know u've overcome ur setback and start moving ahead. Ganbatte ne~
Yoz Mei Mei,
You could get it from the daiso shop.. $2 only!!
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