Tuesday, June 15, 2010

13 Jun 2010 - My Last Day As Ride Operator

Wow, time flies... It is already my last day working as ride operator at Morey Pier - Adventure Pier...

Well, ride operator is not my primary job and the time spent in Adventure Pier are short yet I have a chance to get to know a lot of wonderful and interesting friends... I am very happy and I will definitely misses them...

Enjoy the memorable photos that I captured it with my colleagues...

And guess what? The best thing about last day as ride operator is I get to enjoy free extreme ride at my pier... The ride nearly took my heart out of me...

11 Jun 2010 - My Off Day (Part 2)

Here is the part 2 of the photos.. Enjoy!!

Peiyi and me..

Lifeguard gang..

The ladies.. Opps!! Not forgetting Steven too..

Sex and The City gang..

Peiyi and me..

Me with 4 gorgeous ladies.. =D

Peiyi and Steven..

The hunks..

A Team gang..

Kay and me..

Act cool Howard..



Starbuck.. Wanna some?

Simply delicious..

After movie..

OMG!! What Steve doing?

The Killer?


Group photo..

Captain planet? Haha..

Monday, June 14, 2010

11 Jun 2010 - My Off Day (Part 1)

Hurray!!! Finally had my day off and together with my friends.. In the morning, we went to collect our pay check and then head off to Rio Grande to watch movie and chill..

Enjoy the 1st half of the photos..

Balloon Race..

My colleague Antony..

Tea cup..

Augustin and me..

3 hunks..

ML pier..

Bright blue sky..

Augustin and Dawn..

Our little keychain souvenir that we exchange..

"Watch the tram car.. Watch the tram car.."
That is what we always heard on the boardwalk..

Random shoot..

Bus stop?? Definitely not..



Enjoying the breeze..

Relaxing Ken..

That's me..


Welcome to Wildwood..