Before flying off, I met up with my colleagues for dinner and gathering.
Do you still remember Ms Bachelorette from the previous blog entry?
The auspicious time for bathing. Haha..
The mystery revealed. Here it goes, let welcome Ms Bachelorette (2230 Xiao Jie).
3 different kind of cheesecake!!
Free treat from Ms Bachelorette. Thumb up for her!!
The funky side of Thomas..
Ms Bachelorette posing for shoot..
Thomas and Ms Bachelorette..
Ms Bachelorette and me..
Ms Bachelorette.. See that??
A little bit of C _ _ _ L _ _ and a little bit of K _ _ M _ _ _!!! Haha..
Ms Bachelorette is enjoying her Dark Mocha..
Ms Bachelorette thank you for your treat. I really appreciate and enjoy with you guys. Thumb up for you!!
Thomas, thank you for being our driver and tour guide. You had to drive us up and down even when you are tired without any complaint!! Salute you!
Today I really enjoy a lot even it was a short 4-5 hours with you all. I haven't had so much relaxing time straight after work. Xie xie ni.
Okay, I will wrote till here. See you all gals and guys (all my blog's readers) again after I come back from Taiwan. I misses you guys too (ZIYANG and SIEW ENG). Ziyang, I won't be around so remember to wake up go wee wee at 12am. Haha.. Siew Eng, please help me take care Ziyang.
Well, I forsee the tempo will be high once I come back. I pray hard everything will be in control (hopefully).
Aww....mei drooling from the cheese cakes pics... heex XD~~~~
Mei.. NoNoNo cheese cake for u.. Hehe.. U have to look out on ur diet.. =X If not vincent will come and hunt me.. LOL
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