Tuesday, April 29, 2008


Yoyoyo everyone! I am super 'HOT' now. Yes, I am 'HOT'!!


These 'HOT' or that 'HOT'? Haha..

'Hello Hello!! Read here! Read here!'

Get your eyes off from Allan Wu, don't see until your eyes pop out!! Haha.. Have anyone notice these few days super warmth and humid. Even at night, I couldn't get to sleep well even with my fan blasted on to the highest number. Arghhhhhhh.. Gobal Warming!!

Allan Wu is my all time favourite star! I hope to have at least half of his body size, half of his funkiness and half of his charming. I will indeed be contented.

Oh yes, not forgetting his wife Wong Li Lin is also my all time favourite star! If I got a wife like her, I am super super super happy and the luckiest man in the world! Haha..

I happen to found this song by listening to the radio everyday at work. Just for you, play it!

Title: Without You
Singer: Chris Brown
