For this project, we were split into 2 groups, majority are in the development team while minority are in the quality group. I was in the quality team.
Because of this project, most of my teammates had to code like hell, had been so stress up and countless conflicts between and within team. One of my teammates was so stress up that had a little argument with his family. It is unhealthy.
Even I am not in development team who contribute most to the projects development, I had to spend an average 12hr in school daily and I hardly had air to breath. With such heavy workloads and I also felt lost most of the times during this semester, there are time that I don't even feel like coming to school, I chose to skip school instead. It was the worst semester that I had gone through so far and hopefully will be the last one.
We did screw up a lot during the phase of delivering the project and also during the presentation demo but lucky it is all over.
And from this project, I had learnt a lot about myself, well not so much on technical skills aspect. If I had chance, I will discussed further in other blog entries.
Our team is lucky enough that it didn't break us and there is nothing more I could ask for already. Thank you god!
Our PM and development team..
Another shoot..
Medical Diamond Team..
Development Team..
Let's wrack our PM..
PM with QA team..
Let's jump to the max..
Warming up..
Acting cool..
All at ease..
Fun shoot..
Redo one more time..
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