Cave of the Winds admission ticket that costs about 11USD and you will able to feel and touch the gust of the waterfall.. Thumb up!! As usual, be prepared to get really wet!!
Took a group photos while queuing up to the Cave of the Winds..
KK and me..
Thumb up..
Nice scenery..
Can you see the rapid furious waterfall behind TK?
Few more step closer to the waterfall..
Found a dead fish..
Jump shot with Huiqi..
Jump shot with Wang Rong..
TK, Ken and me..
Group photos..
At the Niagara Centre..
KK and me wearing NY cap..
Peisian and me..
Wang Rong and me having Indian Roti..
Peisian and me..
What Howard and me doing? Monkey stun? =X
Does it look like we are fighting over for a gal? Hahaha..
Me with Wee Ting and Joyce..
Ginny and me..
Acting cool..
Kris and me..
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