Friday, March 21, 2008

21 Mar 2008

Yoyoyo.. I wanna thanks Wei Chao, Keshia, Freddie, Si Ting, Xianglong, Zhicong, Joey, Shiying, Daen, Jun Hong, Filzah, Tienli, Nicholas, Yuxiang, Bao Song, Junwei, Jiawhee and my family for wishing me Happy Birthday. Please forgive me if I have missed out some of you.

Although this year I kinda not in good shape, pretty effortless and abit lifeless but I am very touched by all of your small doing.

Some uses smses, some msn, some wrote friendster comment, some called my handphone to wish me and etc. It's nothing big to some people but for me, it's start from something small to brighten my day. Thought that counts. A million of thanks to all of you.

Thanks to my 3 close friends who always stood by my side no matter how stubborn and annoying I am. Thanks for all your understanding and great patient with me. Thanks for keeping me accompany, even brought me to eat and watch movie [through wanted to go Sheares Bridge but didn't thanks to someone, haha].

Last but not least, I wishes all both healthy and happiness in life. Cheers!

A Trouble Day

Yoyoyo! Guess what! I just can't deny or avoid it. Today should be a very special day, it is my birthday and also Good Friday. Happy Birthday to myself!

Shouldn't I be very happy today? Yet I don't know why I can't get any happier. I don't feel like celebrating too.

I felt bad playing DOTA earlier with Zhicong, cause I was not in the right mood and we end up keep losing couple of times, hope he won't blame me. I am sorry, Zhicong.

As I type, my mind are thinking but don't know what I am thinking. It kinda messy! Thinking of these then suddenly thinking of that. I felt like something is missing in my life but I don't know what is it. I am feeling trouble, super low in mood or I should say I have become lifeless. I felt like drifting on the ocean aimlessly.

I think the problems not lies with my friends nor my family, I guess it is me. I think I write till here. I need to be alone. Have a good rest. Good night!

Monday, March 10, 2008

An Unforgetable Day

Yoz it has been awhile! Wow, I had a special unforgetable day after watching The Leap Year with my 3 close friends. You know who you are! Haha.. A movie that caught my attention, a touching, lovely, inspiring and memorable; urge me to believe to fall in love again, an eternal unconditional love.

OMG! I can't believe that I talking about Love. Love topics are always a taboo subject for me, it's personal and sensitive. But today a bit exceptional, a peek of my another soft side that I always suppressing.

"It better to have love and lost than never to have loved at all" said by Wong Li Lin who played as Li Ann.

I love the phase. It's super duper encouraging phase when you are lost in love. Haha.. I'm kidding. I not cursing people to lost in love. Touch wood touch wood! The phase have help me to heal my deepest wound, of course not phyiscal wound. But a wound that you felt your heart are been torned apart, million of knifes pierce through your heart, and in the end tend to lock yourself up and etc.

Back to topic, actually there are 3 girls that I came across that have deeply influence me in my life. I don't know when I started until I realised it myself. From gradually... then suddenly... I like them. But it's all one-sided love. Sad case! But I am gladful that I came to know them. Not necessary, great effects will have great results. By injecting the little things to make them happy to lend a listening ear/shoulder or even use me as a shield for them, I have no ideas but I willingly to do it. It's sweet and memorable. I have no regrets. May sound silly or foolish to you. That's just me! Deep in my heart, I really hope they are doing fine and are really happy now.

"In 3 words, I can sum up everything I've learn about life; It goes on" - Robert Frost
So don't be disheartened even you can't get what you always long for.

My little stretch of what's love.
Maybe can make into a pendant.

I maybe cold, selfish, insensitive and tends to set boundary to you. Or even have a urge of staying singlehood but there are exception and possibilties! I wanna believe in faith.

-Chin Hwee-